Tag Archives: autonomous

Hack A Week: Wall-E Robot

13 Jun







Hello world, just wanted to drop you a little article on a cute autonomous Wall-E bot that Dino from Hack-A-Week.com came up with. First off, I just want to give some quick props to Dino, week in and week out he comes out with fun, high-quality, interesting, and detailed hacks, which he posts on his website as well as hackaday.com.

Dino first started off with a little Wall-E toy he bought at a garage sale for $1; added an arduino, two motors, two h bridges to give the motors some juice, and set of ultrasonic ping sensors from Parralax. These all came together to form a sweet little autonomous dual tread robot that when confronted with an obstacle while find a clearer path to follow. This is all due to the ultrasonic sensor, which allows for the arduino to “see” by sending out a frequency sound wave and judging the distance when it “pings” back. The whole package is pretty neat and clean, as well as being one of the lengthier builds for Dino. I think he did a great job as always so check out the video below and definitely check out his site.


