Tag Archives: apple

Please get me one of these….

28 Jul

So, what is this dolphin like creature, well I’m here to tell you.

This submersible personal watercraft, created by the guys at Innespace,  attributes its streamlined body and maneuverability to the dolphin in which it was emulated after. Packed with a 260-horsepower gasoline engine, sound system(with Apple device connection), digital periscope, and gps; the SeaBreacher is quick, clean, and well put together. Topping out at 50 mph above the surface and 25 mph below, the SeaBreacher uses its side and tail fins to maneuver the vehicle in every direction with an added bonus of barrel-rolls and all other acrobatic movements.

With an $81,000 base price tag you have your choice of 4 totally customized models here. In the future, Innespace is planning on creating a fully submersible PWC with a host of other features; hopefully, they can also cost-reduce these down by then to the price of regular PWC’s you see on the market today. Check out the video below…

Oh Apple, You So Funny…..

27 Jul

Hey everyone, sorry about the lack of posts, but everyone here at Well Technically Speaking have been uber busy with finishing up jobs and starting vacations. Have no fear, we will be back on the blog game soon enough. Til then have a look at these two hilarious articles about Apple stores.

China + Fake Apple Stores=

How far can one man go…

Edit: Have to give a shout out to my neighbor Ryan for the second video, good looks…

Most Important Smart Phone App: iOS/Android

13 Jun

Hey guys, just wanted to let you know about two apps that could potentially save your butt when you misplace your couple hundred dollar iPhone/Android smart phone. These apps are also super easy to use and take literally 2 minutes to set up, so read up folks.

Find My iPhone:

Whilst being free ( iPhone 4, iPad, or 4th generation iPod touch) and saving your ass when you misplace the one belonging that gets you through the day, this app made by the good people of Apple takes you two minutes to set up. After signing up for a mobile me account, which constitutes you signing in with your apple ID, password and then verifying an email, you can start looking for your iPhone/iPad/iTouch immediately at your mobile me site. You can also make your device play annoying sounds and whatever message you would like it to. This is a great addition to my iPhone and I wish I had added this app sooner. Check it out, you won’t regret it.

Where’s My Droid:

This Android app, like all droid apps, is free and much like the iOS app it has the same features, which include gps location, ringer control, and the ability to send a message to your device. Check out the videos here



Apple Upgrades: iCloud, OS Lion,

31 May

As of today Apple has stated that it will announce its iCloud, iOS5 and OS Lion soon. These will serve to upgrade your phones operating system (iOS5), computers operating system (OS Lion) and your music on-the-go capabilities with iCloud.

iCloud is essentially the same as Amazons Cloud Drive and Google’s Music Beta. Its a service that lets you upload and snyc all of your music to a cloud network (rather than storing it directly on your computer) so you can access it at any point through any device. iCloud will be the first media cloud service that will work on the iPhone. Apple has been building a massive data storage center in North Carolina to prepare for the iCloud’s release.

OS Lion is Apples next operating system for Mac laptops. Aside from the speed and computing power, there are some notable user interface upgrades that the average user will truly appreciate. 1) Airdrop: This feature creates for extremely easy data/file transfer to and from other mac’s with Lion OS. You simply connect to the other persons computer and “drop” your files onto their computer. Similar to dropbox in a way. 2) Launchpad: This is a new way to check out all of your desktop applications. Simply enough – its basically the same interface as the Apple iPad, but on your computer. 3) Resume: Ever turn your computer off and open it back up to see everything you had worked on gone? Resume fixes that problem. If you randomly turn off your computer, you need not worry about losing your files/work. Everything will open right back up when you turn it back on.

Google Wallet!

27 May

Google Wallet is a pretty “convenient” addition to Google’s phone app’s this year. They took advantage of the simple and now cost effective technology within NFC cards, and did it in a very consumer friendly way. NFC – or Near Field Communication chips are used typically in ID cards and tracking devices to allow for simple check-ins at just a swipe of a card. Google has integrated NFC chips into Sprints Nexus S smartphone (running Android OS), allowing Nexus S owners to swipe-pay at many retail stores. By connecting your fincancial information to your phone and to your NFC chip, you can now pay with a swipe of your phone.

Google Deals: Part of Google Wallet is Deals. The best way to explain this is with an example: A consumer is walking through NYC and finds herself extremely hungry! She doesnt want to spend too much b/c she just bought a $5 million handbag from Georgio Armani. She types “lunch” into her Google Wallet application and instantly receives two lunch deals – one for half off at Subway and one for a free Salad and Panera – both within walking distance from her. How convenient!

What does this mean to you?

If you are a Nexus S user, you will be able to sign up with stores like Starbucks, Subway, American Eagle, and many more to use this simple swipe pay service. Furthermore, Google has introduced Google Deals – a service that offers customers deals for going to certain retail stores. If successful, the service will  expand to all 300+ Android platforms. Get excited!

For retail companies, this deal is huge. Google is giving millions of customers a reason to shop at their stores.

Check the video to see reactions from the retailers.

Who Ya Got: iOS vs. Android vs. Windows

26 May

I know this is a hot topic in the tech world as of late, so which is it for you? A smartphone? A tablet? And if so what are your running, iOS, the brandy-new Gingerbread, or Windows?

Battle of the OS's

For me my choice has been the Apple iPhone for the last three years or so. It has been an uphill battle with general abuse and replacement parts, but overall I could not find anything deep down(other than haggling with iTunes everytime I sync my phone) that is worth mentioning.  What gets me is not that I was hit early on with the Apple craze, of course you have those that oppose Apple and the trend/”scene” that seems to follow any product that Steve Jobs and his boys out in silicon valley shove out into the market. Truth is I had never owned an iPod or Mac computer before owning my iPhone, I was strictly a Windows man. However, the awe of the iPhone hit me like a ton of bricks and I can honestly tell you I, Steve Ralph Corbesero Jr, would be lost without it. It’s elegant, simple, comes with some comforting features, unbridled reliability, and adds endless entertainment to my day, not to mention it gets great battery life… People identify with it. People know it. People use it…

Now here comes the part of my article that delves into the other two areas of this “discussion”. Lets start with the Android platform, and boy what an entrance has this little guy made.  With around 36 manufacturers producing over 300 Android devices, Google is seeing activations in the numbers of hundreds of thousands a month(100 mil to date) and around 4.5 billion, yes BILLION, app DL’s alone. Its crashed this party in the largest sense of the phrase. Google has not stopped there though with the introduction of their dev kit for an Arduino-esqe platform, which for all of you not familiar is all too popular microcontroller for hackers to do pretty much whatever they please just check out hackaday.com for projects galore. They also just announced the ability to make purchases with your Android device. These guys are gunning for Jobs and his boys with the intensity unforeseen in the tech world.

I digress. You may be asking yourself, Steve where does this put Windows? I put them at dead…last. The resounding reason, and I will put this as bluntly as possible, is becuase they are fat, dumb, and happy at where they were a few years ago. Leaving them at the latter end of  a losing battle of catchup. Sure they just purchased Skype, big whoop, they are currently floundering at the feet of their two competitors. If that needs more explanation please feel free to email me.

Fact of the matter is, for myself I feel like Jobs and his army of geniuses are still a few steps ahead of Android(they are slowly closing the gap might I add), but I feel that they have the ability to continue to put out great, easy to use, high quality devices that rule the masses. I for one can not wait to see what either does next, and honestly I could not tell you what I will choose next when my two year agreement is up. All I can say is that it will be a tough decision between Apple and Android. Windows I’m sorry, love your computers, always will, always have, just how I was brought up. I could go on for days and I’m sure you could as well. So let me know what you think by dropping a comment or two and lets get this party started.

Hey Bill Gates, you mad??