Tag Archives: jetski

Please get me one of these….

28 Jul

So, what is this dolphin like creature, well I’m here to tell you.

This submersible personal watercraft, created by the guys at Innespace,  attributes its streamlined body and maneuverability to the dolphin in which it was emulated after. Packed with a 260-horsepower gasoline engine, sound system(with Apple device connection), digital periscope, and gps; the SeaBreacher is quick, clean, and well put together. Topping out at 50 mph above the surface and 25 mph below, the SeaBreacher uses its side and tail fins to maneuver the vehicle in every direction with an added bonus of barrel-rolls and all other acrobatic movements.

With an $81,000 base price tag you have your choice of 4 totally customized models here. In the future, Innespace is planning on creating a fully submersible PWC with a host of other features; hopefully, they can also cost-reduce these down by then to the price of regular PWC’s you see on the market today. Check out the video below…